We have begun to set out some of the research and policy thinking coming out of the programme so far. Over the coming months and years, we will use this microsite to share more findings and recommendations as they evolve.

From here, Culture Commons will be working with the programme partners to extrapolate these recommendations into immediate action.

We are lining up partnerships with:

  • Several combined authorities across England to explore how our recommendation for an enhanced cultural devolution deal with the UK Government might work in practice. 
  • British Council and others to scope and develop our recommendation for an International Network on Cultural Devolution.
  • Multiple local authorities and universities in Scotland to explore the potential to implement our recommendation for regional governance mechanisms. 
  • A combined authority in England to bring our recommendation for a Culture Forum to their area.
  • A major research institute to scope our recommendation for a new National Data Observatory.
  • Cultural sector leaders in Wales to consider how our recommendation for a new UK-wide taxonomy for cultural infrastructure might be spearheaded. 
  • A higher education institute to explore how we might develop a tooling for the development of more inclusive and sustainable cultural strategies.
We’re now also embarking on a concerted period of dissemination to embed some of our policy thinking within the work of other organisations.

If you or your organisation would like a member of the Culture Commons team to come and share findings and some of the policy thinking with your team members, networks or sector, please get in touch with us at contact@culturecommons.uk